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Buy 1-10 Workstation Licenses $399 USD per License
Need more than 10? Quantity discounts available. Contact us
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I accept the terms of the license agreement  View Agreement
Total: $399.00 USD
1 year premium maintenance + $99.75 USD
Grand Total: $498.75 USD

Additional years of maintenance can be purchased at discounted rates. (Discounts only available at time of purchase)

$94.00 USD
5% off retail

$269.00 USD
10% off retail

$374.00 USD
25% off retail
  1. Licensor offers a Maintenance Plan for the Software as follows:
    1. Product Updates & Upgrades - Licensor will supply improvements and other changes to the software which Licensor, at its discretion, deems to be logical improvements or extensions.
    2. Defect Corrections - Licensor will supply corrections as required to correct substantial deviations of the software from specifications or the current applicable reference manual.
    3. Includes:
      • Remote-Assist
      • Bug Fixes
      • New User Product Orientation – Annually
      • License Management Services – 12 License Audits/year
      • Unlimited License Transfers
      • No Cost Version Upgrades
      • 10% off all other SmartSafety Software Product and Service Offerings:
        • AccuraCSI
        • Fingertap
        • RedEye
        • Remote Training
        • Custom Templating
        • Custom Formsets
        • Implementation and Configuration Fees
  2. Initial Maintenance Period

    Following the purchase of the initial first year Annual Maintenance, Licensee will receive updates and upgrades for 12 months from original date of purchase. Annual Maintenance will be invoiced automatically, unless notified 60 days prior to purchase anniversary date.

  3. Charges for Subsequent Years

    For each year after the initial maintenance period of the license, Licensor will continue to provide Licensee with maintenance, support, and product update services as described in section (A) above, provided Licensee pays Licensor in advance the annual maintenance and support charges then in effect. Subject to annual increases up to five percent.

  4. Out of Maintenance Support
    Will incur the following fees payable at the time of service:
    1. License Audit $250 USD per audit
    2. License Transfer $25 USD per license per transfer